Finding Sheba by H.B. Moore Summary from Goodreads: An ancient legend is reborn . . . One that might prove the Bible false.
For centuries, historians have theorized the Queen of Sheba as only a seductive legend, and scholars have debated over the legitimacy of King David or King Solomon. When undercover Israeli agent, Omar Zagouri, stumbles onto a tomb in Northern Jerusalem he unknowingly finds the final clue that threatens to overthrow government claim to the Holy Land, pits wealthy collectors against one another, and sends ruthless archaeologists scrambling to find the queen’s secret burial place. An assassination attempt on the Coptic Pope, His Holiness, Patriarch Stephanus II, is only the first in the chain of lethal crimes. Omar must find a way to prevent the greatest discovery of the century from becoming the most deadly.
4 Stars Read August 2013 Adventure/Thriller/Historical Fiction, e-book on Nook My Review: I love how I can't define the genre of this book. It is an adventure, a thriller, historical fiction, a romance...this book has so much! This book follows three story lines. I like getting all the views of what is going on. However, there were times that it got a little bit confusing. It wasn't enough to upset me, but I did occasionally have to go back and re-read. During the last third of the book all of the story lines converge and the story accelerates. I like the characters, good and bad. There are several main characters and lots of secondary characters as well. I like that sometimes I can't tell if a character is good or bad. I like the settings, happening in several different countries, some in cities, some at archaeology sites. I like the subject matter. I don't know much about the Old Testament in the Bible and this caused me to dust it off and look for the references myself. I appreciate that I was drawn in to this story and got emotionally involved. Overall, I love archaeology and all things related, I love the action/adventure, and I love the romantic ties. I joked once that this book was going to be like reading an Indiana Jones movie. Well, it was like that, but even better. Warnings: murder, some graphic battle scenes, but not a lot. I would let my 15 year old read this book. I even recommended it to my husband, but we'll see if he reads it or not.
Lord Haversham Takes Command by Heidi Ashworth Summary from Goodreads: Lord Haversham feels as if he is always running, first from Lord and Lady Avery, his foolish parents, then from the consequences of a schoolboy prank gone awry. Now a secret service agent to the young Queen Victoria, he has run back to England from traitors who seek his life. Little does he know he is running into danger of a different kind; the perceptive, sapphire-blue gaze of his childhood love, Miranda Crenshaw. How is he to win her heart without giving away his secret and endangering the life of the Queen?
Mira's parents, Sir Anthony and Lady Crenshaw, had always assumed their daughter would wed her lifelong friend, Harry. However, when he returns to England after a long absence, gone is the boy they had known and loved. Instead he is Bertie, a silly fop exactly like his flibbertigibbet parents. As such, her parents feel obliged to wed her to George, the young Duke of Marcross, whom Mira despises. Instead, she dreams of the man Harry was meant to be. When she catches a glimpse of him beneath his silly facade, she must find a way to persuade her parents he is the man for her--before he once again runs out of her life. 4 Stars Read August 2013 Historical Fiction, e-book on Kindle (Phone App), currently only 99 cents, but price will undoubtedly go up. My Review: I enjoyed Miss Delacourt Speaks Her Mind and Miss Delacourt Has Her Day a few years ago. Then this last Christmas, Heidi Ashworth published Lady Crenshaw's Christmas. I was so happy there were more stories about Miss Delacourt and her family. How could I not like Lord Haversham Takes Command? This story has all of the things that I liked about the other books. It has great likeable characters, evil and annoying ones too, a historical English setting, romance and adventure. There are great kisses in this book. Each chapter is told from 3rd person POV for the two main characters. It gives us a glimpse at what each is experiencing and feeling. I like knowing what each is experiencing in the story. And I would be happy to have another story from Heidi Ashworth if she would like to continue this next generation of stories. Warnings: Shooting with pistols I would let my 15 year old read this book.
Working it Out by Rachael Anderson Summary from Goodreads: A chance encounter . . . Grace Warren's life is safe and predictable—exactly the way she likes it. But when she gets roped into going to an auction to help out a friend, everything changes. She meets Seth Tuttle—a guy who unexpectedly kisses her then disappears, leaving her flustered and upset. If she never sees him again, it will be too soon.
A chance for love . . . Weeks later, when Seth limps into Grace's rehab clinic post surgery, he's every bit as frustrating and annoying as she remembered. Yet there's something about him that makes her second-guess her carefully placed boundaries even though he's everything she's sure she doesn't want in a man. But maybe Seth is exactly what Grace has needed all along—assuming she's willing to risk safe and predictable for a chance at love. 4 Stars Read August 2013 Contemporary Romance/E-book on Kindle (read on my phone App) My Review: This was a clean romance. It had a fun story, but also had some serious moments that caused me to reflect on life and what is important. There were moments of great frustration and moments of laughter. Overall, I liked the idea of accepting people and loving them for who they are, but also knowing our own abilities and limitations in being able to have those people in our lives. I can love someone, but not be able to live with them on a day to day basis. The best comes about when people are able to accept and love each other and compromise to find the fit that allows you to be together. Warnings: Death, serious injury, living with disability I would let my 15 year old read this book.
Sweet Cherry Ray by Marcia Lynn McClure Excerpt from Goodreads: “Cherry glanced at her pa who frowned and slightly shook his head. Still, she couldn’t help herself and she leaned over and looked down the road. She could see the rider and his horse—a large buckskin stallion. As he rode nearer, she studied his white shirt, black flat-brimmed hat and double-breasted vest. Ever nearer he rode and she fancied his pants were almost the same color as his horse, with silver buttons running down the outer leg. Cherry had seen a similar manner of dress before—on the Mexican vaqueros that often worked for her pa in the fall. “Cherry,” her pa scolded in a whisper as the stranger neared them. She straightened and blushed, embarrassed by being as impolite in her staring as the other town folk were in theirs. It seemed everyone had stopped whatever they had been doing to walk out to the street and watch the stranger ride in. No one spoke—the only sound was that of the breeze, a falcon’s cry overhead and the rhythm of the rider’s horse as it slowed to a trot….” 4 Stars Read August 2013 Historical Romance, free e-book from Amazon (read on my phone app) My Review: This was a quick, fun read. The characters were delightful and witty. I liked the humor, the romance, the stupid troubles that came up, and the setting. This is the first book I've read by Marcia Lynn McClure and I look forward to reading others. Warnings: Steamy kissing, talk of saloon girls and what they do, gun fights/killing I would let my 15 year old read this book.
Keeping the Castle by Patrice Kindl Summary from Goodreads: Seventeen-year-old Althea is the sole support of her entire family, and she must marry well. But there are few wealthy suitors--or suitors of any kind--in their small Yorkshire town of Lesser Hoo. Then, the young and attractive (and very rich) Lord Boring arrives, and Althea sets her plans in motion. There's only one problem; his friend and business manager Mr. Fredericks keeps getting in the way. And, as it turns out, Fredericks has his own set of plans . . . This witty take on the classic Regency--Patrice Kindl's first novel in a decade--is like literary champagne! 3.5 Stars Read August 2013 Historical/clean romance, Library Book My Review: I thoroughly enjoyed much of this book. It had some witty banter, interesting characters, and romance. Although it has been said to be like Pride and Prejudice, there was also a Cinderella feel to it. And how could I not love that one of the main character's name was "Lord Boring". I laughed almost every time I read his name. And the town in which they live was called "Lesser Hoo". I felt like it might look like something from Dr. Seuss. Of course, it didn't. However, I did not like the way the book resolved. I felt there should have been more dialogue and feeling expressed. I wanted more romance at the end. Oh well, I can't get everything I want. Warnings: None I would let my 12 and 15 year old daughters read this book.
A Timeless Romance Anthology: Autumn Collection by Heather Horrocks, Stephanie Black, Heather B. Moore, Sarah M. Eden, Rachelle J. Christensen, and Annette Lyon Summary from Goodreads: Six Award-Winning Authors have contributed new stories to A Timeless Romance Anthology: Autumn Collection. Readers will love this collection of six romantic suspense novellas, all with one thing in common: Romance.
In Heather Horrocks’ charming story, A Hound Dog Named Elvis, interior designer, Kaitlin Hartley returns to her hometown of Aspen Grove, California, to the job of her dreams after a year of specialized training in New York. During the town’s Autumn Festival, she enters her dachshund, Elvis, into the Running of the Hallowieners race. Joshua Moore, the man who hadn’t wanted her to leave Aspen Grove, but hadn’t waited for her either, enters Elvis’s sister, Priscilla. When Kaitlin gets home afterward, she realizes Elvis has left the building—with Joshua. She has the wrong dog! Can she get her dog—and the man she’s never stopped loving—back?
Eye for an Eye, Stephanie Black’s thrilling novella, follows Mallory as she is just getting her life back together, living with her sister and brother-in-law and starting college. After a difficult few years following a family tragedy, she’s finally ready to move forward, which includes getting to know the charming Darien better. But when illegal drugs turn up in her sister’s drawer, the first person accused is Mallory, and suddenly she doesn’t know who to trust. She turns to Darien, but with all evidence pointing at her, she doesn’t know if Darien is the man to save her.
In First Heist, a suspenseful novella by Heather B. Moore, Mia, an undercover agent is about to make a handoff to co-agent, Omar Zagouri. But before she can complete her assignment, her cover is blown, and she finds herself escaping with Omar. The only problem is, her boss warned her about Omar and his sketchy history of landing himself in the middle of danger. After losing her mother in an attack planned for Mia, pulling off any heist with a man like Omar is the last thing she needs for her career . . . or her life.
Sarah M. Eden’s cozy mystery, Letter for Two, we meet Sophia, who looks forward to the 5:30 p.m. mail sorting she does with her next door neighbor, Ethan. They live in a renovated house, now split into two apartments. Ethan is one of those dreamy, smart guys, but he shows no interest other than being friendly toward Sophia. When they find a mysterious letter addressed to Eleanor, dated to 1953, Sophia and Ethan determine to solve the puzzle together. Sophia knows that spending evenings with Ethan in ‘research’ might be her only chance to convince him that she should be more than just a neighbor.
In the enchanting novella, Silver Cascade Secrets, by Rachelle J. Christensen, Jillian is the master landscaper at a beautiful park. Meeting Travis there soon after breaking up with her boyfriend, Jillian is wary at first. Travis seems like a great guy, but Jillian had fallen for great guys before. When she learns that his brother, Craig, was murdered six months before, her heart goes out to Travis. True to her curious nature, she starts asking questions and learns about Craig’s close connection with the park. But finding the answers puts Jillian’s life in danger, and she must decide who she really trusts.
Chocolate Obsessed, a captivating romantic suspense by Annette Lyon, we meet Whitney, an executive pastry chef who is working her resort’s booth at the New York Chocolate Show. The only problem is that she shares the shift with her arch rival, Stephen. But then an unexpected visitor shows up: Jeremy, a man who lost a dessert competition she judged. When Jeremy confronts her and becomes threatening, Stephen steps in and gets Jeremy dragged off by security. But that doesn’t throw Jeremy off for long; soon Stephen and Whitney are running for their lives. 4 Stars Read August 2013 Clean, romantic short stories/free e-book from one of the authors in exchange for an honest review My Review: These romantic short stories have a twist. Each one has some sort of mystery or action/adventure in them. This does give the whole collection a different feel. Many of the stories give me anxiety. There is suspense and frustration, adventure and near death experiences. Some of them are what I would call sweet, cute stories, even though there is some mystery. Whereas others of the stories are not sweet, but full of excitement and frustration, harrowing experiences, and suspense. Romance is found in each story, but to a different degree. I like this collection, but do admit that I prefer the sweet stories to the mystery stories. I look forward to reading more of A Timeless Romance Anthologies. There next collection is due out in November...A European Collection. Warnings: Lots of action, some injury/near death experiences, drug abuse, crashes, stalking I would let my 15 year old read this collection.
United We Spy is the 6th and final book in the Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter. Ally Carter posted a sneak peek of this book due out September 17th. Here is the First Chapter! THANK YOU ALLY CARTER!
Fairy Godmothers, Inc. by Jennifer Wardell Summary from Goodreads: In a world where fairy tale situations are as much a fact of life as death and taxes, everyone knows hiring Fairy Godmothers, Inc. is the best way to assure that your beautiful daughter or enchanted frog of a grandson will get the happily-ever-after he or she deserves. Sure, sometimes a little love potion is required to make sure those quotas stay up, but what Prince Charming doesn’t know won’t hurt him.
Kate, an experienced Fairy Godmother, who’s enough of a romantic to frustrate her rigidly rule-bound boss, has just received a specialty assignment from one of the company’s board of directors. Cinderella—Rellie for short—was placed with an appropriately wicked stepfamily years before, and now needs the dress, ball, and handsome prince to complete her happily-ever-after. The fact that Rellie isn’t sure this is her dream come true—balls are fun, but princes tend to be less interesting than fluffy bunnies—isn’t something management considers a problem.
Complicating things a bit is Jon, the youngest son of the royal family, who meets Kate, and is smitten, but isn’t quite ready yet to reveal his true identity. After all, it’s his older brother Rupert who’s supposed to marry Rellie, which means pretending to be a lowly civil servant will give him the chance to spend more time with Kate. (As long as he can get the ball arranged, and stop Rupert from getting himself into trouble over his “self-actualization” business, he should have the perfect opportunity to explain everything and get started on making a little magic with the Fairy Godmother of his dreams.)
But, of course, things never ever happen as planned. 3 Stars Read August 2013 Young Adult/Teen fairy tale retelling, Library book My Review: I so wanted to love this book. Look at that great cover! But alas, it didn't meet my expectations for loving a book. Pros: Neat idea for a story. I liked the idea of people being able to choose in their fairy godmother plans. I liked the idea of the "clients" being empowered. Great romantic relationships. There were 2 main romantic relationships in this story. They were very different and yet both were satisfying and brought a smile to my face. Great friendships. There were 2 main friendships in this story too. One between a man and a woman and one between 2 men. Again, both relationships were very different, but both showed a great deal of loyalty and comradery. Cons: Fairy tale world not defined. I couldn't picture this world. Was it old fashioned, was it modern? I had a hard time envisioning the surroundings and the clothes people wore. Dragging on. I felt like the book dragged on a bit. Writing a bit confusing. I found several times that I couldn't follow what the author was saying. I didn't get what the characters were doing or why they were doing it. I got a little lost sometimes, but pressed forward without understanding. Warnings: None on the cleanliness scale. My 12 year old daughter read this book before me. I think it was appropriate for that age and up.
Glimmer of Hope by Sarah M. Eden Summary from Goodreads: Stunning Miranda Harford once had the world at her feet. She was young, carefree, and desperately in love. But when her new husband left for London without her, her world fell apart. Devastated by his abandonment, Miranda fled their home, taking residence at her husband’s rarely visited countryside estate. For three years, she lived alone. But now, as the holidays draw near, an unexpected visitor arrives . . .
Carter Alexander Harford, Seventh Viscount Devereaux, is a man driven to succeed. His work is his life, and the position of Prime Minister of England is within reach. But in truth, Carter is a man haunted by lost love. Estranged from his beautiful wife, Carter is shocked to find Miranda—the woman he’d loved and who he believes has left him—in residence at his country home.
As plans for a holiday party move forward, the uneasy couple realizes that to avoid further scandal, they must keep up appearances in a charade of marital happiness. Thrust together by fate, it quickly becomes clear that they have both been living beneath a conspired cloud of misunderstanding. As family, career, and social pressures threaten to keep them apart, can love have even a glimmer of hope? 4 Stars Read July 2013 Historical, clean romance, Inter-library loan My Review: *Sniff* Sarah M. Eden pulled on my heartstrings in this one. I think I cried more in this book than I have with any of her others. Be prepared with a box of tissues. This book was filled with miscommunication. It was painful to read and yet, as the title states, there was hope. I was impressed with the characters' ability to get past all of the pain. There was a lot of forgiveness and healing.
Warnings: Bring tissues I would let my 15 year old read this book based on cleanliness. However, I think the subject matter is definitely adult.
One Chance by Heather B. Moore Summary from Goodreads: Welcome to the Aliso Creek Novella Series
Liz, Gemma, Arie, Jess, and Drew have been best friends since creating “the Five” at Aliso Creek High School. But that was over ten years ago, and each is still trying to find that perfect someone... if perfect is even possible.
Valentina is the odd-woman out. She’s part of “the Five” when she dates Drew for a couple of years, and remains friends with the women, but with her traveling schedule as a runway model, it’s impossible to maintain a real relationship. When Valentina attends her cousin’s wedding in LA, she runs into Cesar, who she was school friends with in her native country of Puerto Rico. Cesar is not the young skinny boy she remembers, but a grown man who seems interested in what’s beyond her model-appearance. Back in New York, Valentina can’t get him out of her mind, but she also can’t deny the fact that they’re separated by more than one country. 4 Stars Read July 2013 Short story/clean romance, ebook on Nook My Review: Another clean romance in the Aliso Creek Novella series. I liked this story, just as I did the other ones. However, Valentine isn't really part of the "five". I feel like this was a bit of an add on to the series, but not really connected to the series. It is a good, stand alone short story. Warnings: Kissing I would let my 15 year old read this story based on its cleanliness, but it is definitely an adult book.
Lost Then Found by Heather B. Moore Summary from Goodreads: Welcome to the Aliso Creek Novella series
Liz, Gemma, Arie, Jess, and Drew have been best friends since creating “the Five” at Aliso Creek High School. But that was over ten years ago, and each is still trying to find that perfect someone... if perfect is even possible.
Arie, at the top of her career as VP of an established real estate company, discovers that her success has led to a less-than-successful dating life. But she may have just met the ideal man in work-a-holic film producer, Dustin Jacobs. Seeing each other once a week, or even once a month, is no big deal since they are both ambitious… until Arie realizes she wants much, much more. 4 Stars Read July 2013 Short story/Clean romance, ebook on Nook My Review: This is another sweet, clean romance in the Aliso Creek series. These are short stories and can easily by read in a few hours. I like that in this story, the main character comes to realize that she has been pre-judging the male interest. I think we often have preconceived notions about people and it is a good lesson to accept people for what they are, not what we think they are. This story has a sweet ending and I will admit that I wished there was more. However, that is one of the things about these short stories that I like, there is more on the horizon, it is just the beginning of something wonderful. Warnings: Child abandonment, divorce As far as clean factor, I would let my 15 year old read this story. However, it is definitely adult and I do not think she would appreciate the story the way an adult would.